• His name is included in the Biographical Dictionary of Artists of Catalonia. Editorial Millí¡


Artists’ Biographical dictionary of Catalonia. Front.


Artists’ Biographical dictionary of Catalonia. Page – 519.

  • Newspaper article in ” El Correo Catalí¡n “. 13-07-1951. Autor J. M. JUNOY.


Gubianas’ hypersensitive still-life paintings
It was two or three years ago when I went to Puigcerdà to meet Jaume Gubianas, the flowery drawer, a drawer devoted to his violets and hydrangeas, his fragile stalks and his leafy little branches of the trees. He is considered as well an animalistic drawer, with his dead birds, his squirrels and his small lizards, which makes us think of both a Durero and a Hokusaí¯.
Gubianas illustrated my book, ” Estampas de Cerdaña “, which I believe will be published soon. His drawings were plenty of goodness and marvel, they were as precise as mathematics, as imaginative as a poem.
I can still see Jaume Gubianas, in a summer morning, sat down in an edge, taking shelter from the summer rain with a shepherd’s wide umbrella, finishing two wonderful paintings depicting a landscape scene, which are set around the estate of Sallens. In other occasions, his drawings also shaped both the hermitage of Sant
Marc and a little calf in a warm meadow from La Cerdanya.
No-one but him was able to interpret the best the perceptiveness and the delicacy of the flora and of those slate roofs, quite common in this area, to which Joaquí­n Du Bellay made reference, too, to his  elegiac chants.
Within the last few years, Gubianas has shown me a series of, to call it some way, hypersensitive still-life paintings, which from my point of view are matchless due to their interpretative and pictorial daintiness.

Very simple and complete, analytic and synthetic at the same time, those Gubianas’ little jugs made of clay, plenty of nutmegs and hazelnuts, corporeal and phosphorescent, which represent both the most austere and realistic of a Zurbaran , are all the same intimately related to the most elliptical and decorative ancient art of the Far East.

  • The Patronage of the Fundatio Caroli Faust ( Hortus Botanicus Marimurtra ) acquires his water-color ” Kalanchoe Faustii “


Translation in process. Excuse the troubles. Thank you.

  • Allusion in the press

Allusion in the press.
Journal: El Correo Catalí¡n.
Date: 30-08-1951.
Page: Front.
Column: ” Mí¡rgenes “
Author: J. M ª. JUNOY.
Translation in process. Excuse the troubles.Thank you.